at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


[Today's is a guest blog by the other half]

The 'Saurus has been feeling her gums a bit recently - last night she woke up unhappy and once in our bed demanded a simultaneous cuddle from both of us - but during the day she's been having a good old time. Since the weather was great today we got into the car to go beach hunting. The beach is out past An Teallach and a cracking drive, though all the porsches going the other way put the yaris somewhat to shame.

This was Ivy's first time on sand - she was delighted, then progressively frustrated as all her food became mysteriously crunchy having been dropped for the eighth time... still this didn't seem put her off the sand worm she dug up by the water - it was halfway to her mouth before Mairead swiped it away.

There aren't enough photos of Mairead and the wee one together (since she's usually behind the camera) hence my taking over for a day. The two of them spend a significant portion of the day staring lovingly at each other, so I was happy to catch a bit of that here. In the background you might spot a bit of gruinard island - a pretty spot only slightly spoiled by anthrax poisoning leftover from the MoD.
Once home there was some gardening - this, as ever, seems to involving me carting around animal faeces - but did provide dinner fresh from the allotment.

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