........off to see the otters........

Another restless night.......mainly caused by pain from the knee.

Yesterday in Oban a local told Charlie about the otters at the Sea Life Centre....we had planned to go anyway........ever since she has been saying "otter" in a broad Scots accent!

Wide awake again at 6.30..........clear blue sky!.

Breakfast...cars loaded and off to see the sea life.......the Oban Sea Life Centre isn't like all the others...........it has the indoor aquaria etc but also two outside areas with Seals and Otters and some shore line activities as well.....we saw the seals being fed.....and had a splendid view of the otters as they came right up to the viewing window and stood and watched us!

Charlie got to hold a star fish and stroked a crab.......she was ecstatic.

The only complaint was....the cost....we booked on line for the Mother and toddler special for YH and Charlie.........Hannah was free, obviously......and the Daughter had found a two for the price of one offer for up to four adults.......however the jobsworth on the cash desk insisted that if four adults were attending as one party only one could go free.......it didn't matter how many times I tried to explain the concept of two for one.......two four one is the same as four for two ......he couldn't grasp it...........so in the end we had to pay for a mother and toddler and three adults.....which worked out at exactly the same price it would have been if we'd booked it all on line and taken the online discount!......strangely enough if we had brought two separate offer vouchers and gone in as two pairs of adults we would have only paid for two adults!

After we had seen and done everything we shot along to Tralee beach........where Charlie had great fun in the sand and splashing in the sea......as did the Boss, The Daughter, the S & H and YH.

Back"home" by 6.oo.......dinner........a few drinks.......and another early night.......walking in soft sand is so tiring!

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