......tall tales.........

For those of you who think that fishermen over exaggerate.....this was caught this morning on our main water at Starmount....a mirror carp....weighing in at exactly 14lb....and it's no where near the biggest we have in the pond.

I was up fairly early...and so was the Boss....she wanted to do some gardening before the rain set in.....so she sent me off to the tip with two concrete coping stones....the 14 bags from the shale I spread a few weeks ago....and the stumps of the two bushes dug up yesterday! I did my duty and then went down to see the boys...we talked about Charlie Chucker and the plans for his funeral. I wanted to take a shot of the pond which was one of his favourite places...but just as I walked through the gate....all hell broke loose.

I have no idea who the angler is....and he didn't have all the gear he should have had if he was fishing for the big boys...in fact his net was far too small to land this beauty....and he jammed his reel.....Henry went and borrowed a big net from another angler.......a passerby helped him free the reel...and another angler turned up with a set of scales...........after about 15 minutes of, basically, pratting around, because he didn't have a clue how to handle a fish like this.....he eventually took my advice to get the fish's head up onto the surface (it takes all the fight out of them when they gulp air)....and he let the net owner net it for him...and it was on the bank.

A couple of quick shots and then back into the water.

I think Chucker would have enjoyed watching the drama unfold.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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