....as take I wi' my cromak to the isles......

A better day weather wise....just a few light showers.......so we decided on a day in Oban........my sleeplessness has returned.......so I was ready to make breakfast when the rest got up...but the S & H stepped in and took control.

It was a day of showers, sea food and shopping.

We walked around the town....watched the ferry dock....I love the way it slides sideways up to the jetty.....lunch in Wetherspoons Corryvrekan......a pub named after a whirl pool!

The Daughter bought a new waterproof jacket......I bought Charlie and Hannah a couple of placemats...featuring dinosaurs.......a Charlottetops and a Hannahsaurus.

Having exhausted all the Oban had to offer..........without taking out a second mortgage for a visit to the distillery......or a boat trip to see seals........we headed back towards Glencoe........and stopped off at Castle Stalker......famed as Castle Aaarrrggghh! at the end of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Dinner was followed by another quiet evening of reading as once again the midges made sitting outside a slap and scratch fest.

I'm ploughing through the first Game of Thrones book......and the beer and whisky are taking some hammer!

Das vidany amoy padruga.

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