
By trabroun

Brrrr the chill continues...

I have had the car snowbound for two days but still managed to get to work by getting lifts to nearby towns and then the bus to work. This morning I aimed for the train as usual, got Mr Trabroun to give me a lift to the station in time to hear a station announcement stating the rails services had been suspended. Not what you really want to hear at 07.35 in the morning in -8'C So it was another bus route today , still hoping it would be a bit quicker that yesterday. This time it was the No 26 but nup - one hour to go 16 miles. Pah!

So forward planning for tomorrow was required. I called the receptionist and was told my first patient was due in at 09.00 on an inflexible appointment time so I needed to be there. Aargh. The earliest I have managed to get into the city this week has been 09.30!

So, out after tea to get the car dug out again, screen scraped, engine tested.
Car stuck solid in ice, car battery as dead as a dodo and it would have needed a pick axe to get the ice off the windscreens. 3 hours to charge the battery and then a successful test run to check it's in working order for 07.00 tomorrow.

It took ages to scrape the windscreens, but on the rear one, these frost fairies were hiding inside my car! They will have multiplied by the morning as I was strongly advised not to use the rear windscreen de-mister as it?ll drain the battery further. So frost fairies will have a trip to the big E tomorrow. Must remember to try and park in the sun ha-ha

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