
By trabroun

Vantage point

Unlike yesterday the car started first thing, thank goodness so I headed off into town having been previously reassured the car park at the practice was easy to get into and wasn't too slippy. This car park is a bit tricky at the best of times, reversing into narrow spaces on a steep hill whilst having the steering lock on a tight right is the norm but on top of sheet ice ain't for the faint hearted. I fortunately got the car in first time, unlike my colleague who had numerous attempts rounded off with a round of applause when she eventually got her car parked. However within an hour, one of the staff couldnt get their car out and had to abandon it, whilst another used cardboard to try and get the tyres to grip onto the ice before being able to head off home.

My 0900 client arrived safely but another client never appeared at lunchtime. So I managed to finish early, drove home, got S out of the house, into the car and we went for a drive around East Lothian enjoying the spectacular winter scenery . Both S and I never realised how deep the snow was until she got the car door stuck in the snow drift trying to get out and I stepped onto the verge to take some pics and went up to my thighs! Pheonix - you'd have been up to your waist!!
Took dozens and dozens of pics and could publish a few onto blip as there was so much to see / do today. However plumped for this one.
Taken from Bangley, overlooking the River Forth towards Fife and Cockenzie Power Station.

I love the snow

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