One day....

....I will eat in this beautiful restaurant! It is so pretty! I walk past it several times a week and each time am struck by how lovely it is - I love all the bougainvillea, and inside, the tables are all set around huge palm trees and it's open to the sky and stars...little candles on tables, glinting in the hanging crystals - beautiful!! You do, however, pay for all the prettiness...might see if you can just have a coffee!

Today Asha reached 10 PIECES OF PASTA so got her first treat - she chose frozen yoghurt with smarties. She seemed genuinely pleased with herself and her achievement! I've also made an achievement, I finally wrote a blog update!! It's been hanging over me to do, so am glad I've finally written it.
We're just off to look at a play place for Asha that's quite close - you can leave them there to play for an hour, for 5€ (seems a bit steep to me??), we're hoping Asha will get to know some more kids there and be more exposed to Spanish...
Must go, need to clean the frozen yoghurt off Asha before we take her out!!

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