
Another May Day in June and another run up the road into the sunshine.
The Boss is in SeniorNet mode and all my hints, like wacking his arm with my paw only got a short term response as he threw something of mine down the hall and I bounded to get it.
FINALLY by late afternoon he was sufficiently ahead of the list and we went out in 4 c for a “round the block” trot.
I think it may be a looong night.
There are 2 factors to the mists and that is coming and going. Going the light is behind and this lead to today’s shot with the mountains coming and going themselves as the mist...Well mists. Then you decide to return home and the light is in your face. The Boss loves back light so is looking forward to tomoro again as he spotted some views to return to but the mist may have changed so he may miss it.....The mist that is....
I sometimes wonder what it would be like if I was a French Poodle and didn't speak English. The Boss says That I would be missed. Oh Dear!
Near Miss....T

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