Sunshine and Parrots

Well I guess the sun bit is kinda obvious….The Parrot will come later…OK.
I have to bark that this image didn’t happen till after lunch (his) and I also have to bark that a weigh in at the Vet this arfo was not at all satisfactory. Oh I got heaps of treats under their “happy customer” policy which was needed after The Boss and the (normally) lovely “C” held me and dribbled something in my nose and then declared me a healthy dog. The Boss says it is my kennel cough protection BUT I don’t have a kennel and I have rarely coughed so I thought it was bad value. The sack of Grub he got the other day was much better and I could have had another half a sack for the cost of this performance BUT then again there is that weight thing…Frankly I just think it is my Winter coat but as I still haven’t been able to get the grub cupboard open I am, so to bark, at the mercy of “others”.
This morning The Boss went to the groomers and had a NO 4, which is smaller than a No 5 but larger than a No 3 so I guess it’s OK. The Groomer “L” was chatting, as groomers do to justify the $18.00 thing, about ‘Breaking Bad’ where he had watched the complete series 4 times, and The Boss was intrigued and asked him if he had a DVD of it. NO he replied he had just borrowed it from the internet…When The Boss was silent on that, he hastened to explain that he had not stolen it as if you stole stuff it wasn’t there any more, and of course it was, AND further more he was not a pirate ‘Cos he didn’t have a boat or a parrot. The Boss found all that slightly comforting and also appreciated the advice on future watching that The Boss might enjoy on Netflix if he didn’t fancy joining the same lending library.
I thought the sparkles were nice….


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