Lismore Lighthouse

At the southern tip of Lismore, on the islet of Eielan Musdile, Lismore Lighthouse was lit in 1833. Its first keeper was a direct descendant of castaway Alexander Selkirk, the inspiration for ‘Robinson Crusoe’. The Oban – Isle of Mull ferry passes close by.

Four of us off to Mull for two days, doing a recce for the club. The ferry passes this beautiful lighthouse.
After arriving on the island, we did a walk along at Fishnish, checking that it was suitable for our club. Then headed to the Isle of Mull Hotel where we were staying overnight, and had a six course dinner (quite small courses, but very satisfying). I chose venison and it was the best venison I have tasted, which they served with rosti and some green beans. Lovely. A couple of drinks afterward...... and then to bed!
Early start tomorrow, lots of checking to do!

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