Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17

Hands on hips….. ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Ahhhhh - book club meet tonight - a wonderful evening as always but on leaving the pub (and having only had a half of lager) I slipped on the pavement outside, falling on my camera which was in my bag. The shutter button and zoom on my camera now don't work - and I have a camera shaped bruise on my gluteus maximus. My camera's broken - and I am so gutted!!!! :((( I'm hoping the shutter button may be just a spring thing - any advice from you kind blippers would be so very welcome!??

On the book club note - we all agreed that 'Wake' was a truly moving book - based around 3 female characters in the aftermath of the first world war and ultimately the ceremony of the burial of the unknown soldier in London. Lots to talk about - and I'm so very delighted that fellow blippers 60th and Marlieske read along too - how brilliant is that! This month's read is The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer.

I have my youngest daughter's little canon to fall back on tomorrow - oh :(

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