Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Poker Face

Weekend is here again - hooray ! although we are due rain and hail stones the size of footballs - if you believe the weather forecast.

Took No 1 out driving again tonight. Quite enjoyed it - there's something satisfying about passing on your knowledge. No 1 watched 'Barely Legal Drivers' on TV last night - think it was an eyeopener to bad driving !

Tonight we even managed a couple of 3 point turns.

Mind you, people a VERY intolerant of L-drivers. I'll put my hand up to this - I am VERY intolerant to L Drivers when it's between 4 and 6 pm on a week day and you're in a hurry to drop kids off/ pick up/do shopping etc. Those myriad of mum-tasks.

But when you are taking a L-driver out at on quiet roads - why are people so impatient !

No 1 did well to anticipate the prat who overtook her at top speed on the inside (despite her indicating to pull in left) in a 30 mph zone- and blaring his horn. Later he was right up her bum at the traffic lights and when she stalled - he then overtook her on the wrong side of the road on a red light!

I know something Red and Hot I'd like to stick up his bum! And it's not one of these pretty flowers.

Incidentally - this is a sorry specimen. I plant these in every house I live in and only ever manage to get a solitary sad flower.

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