Loom Bands

A beautiful day. Shorts and t shirts all round.

Picked up girls from school and popped down to our nearby shopping centre for lunch and a few essentials. Although I think the big girls ate TWO lunches each- which gladdens my heart as I often think they are too busy on a Friday afternoon to take the time to eat properly.

Oh to have the metabolic rate of a teenager again !

I was hoping to buy some summer clobber for me but ended up talked into buying pretty summer clothes for No 3.

She LOVED this dress - it may replace the too-small Red Spotty Dress as her favourite. She loves to twirl round and make the skirt fly up !

I could do the same - but it would probably frighten the neighbours away.

Here she is - post swimming lesson - making loom band bracelets on on the trampoline in the evening sunshine.

P.S. Drop by and say hello to my friend (and TV Quiz co-star!) Tash - who now lives in doha, Qatar - and has FINALLY started blipping !

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