
By Fisherking

....this is the end........

Some of you seem to think my idea of a mini series of exotic beers is a good that's what you're getting for the next week...unless something incredible pops up.

Our year 11's left us today....strange kind of day.

Accosted first thing by one of my Science group....a lovely young lady....she presented me with a very nice card.....with a message inside thanking me and detailing all the things she's enjoyed in my lessons over the last 5 years..........and a box of Maltesers.

Lesson 1....preparing year 10's for their exam
Lesson 2..paperwork......a couple of trips finalised.....details of exam marking requirements for the entire Faculty.......outline of the new schemes of work for next year
Lesson 3...Final, final last minute revision for my BTec group whose exam was this afternoon
Lesson top set GCSE group.......champing at the bit for their release.a couple of revision quizzes.....and then the inevitable.......signing Leavers books......signing shirts....and then out came the cameras.....a myriad of photographs..........Gate crashed by hebs......I think she had more pics taken than I did...especially with the boys!
Lesson 5.....revision for the end of year exams with my Year 9s

Home....dinner....the Boss arrived from work....she wants me to print off some of my blips...they're decorating their pods at work for the World Cup..........she's already got my Brazil flag from the 2012 Olympics....and my Pele she wants my pics of Bobby Charlton's World Cup winners medal..........and the Brazilians in the crowd at Old Trafford for the Olympic football.

Then I'm off to bed.

Das vidanya moy padruga

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