
By Grimsayer

Cheerful chappie

To continue the alliterative theme, this is a Spanish Sparrow, albeit in Greece. Much more impressive that the House Sparrow, they do have a real character - as well as a half decent bite. The only one of these I have seen in the UK involved queuing to look out of the window of someone's front room to look at the bird feeder at which a Spanish Sparrow would arrive occasionally.
A bizarre evening when we went to eat in the Observatory with Christos - the boss - and just before eating we had a visitor who spoke good English, or better phrased Australian. The Observatory is the old school so it was interesting to talk with him about when he had been a pupil in the very room.
After about fifteen minutes however it became clear he was in fact a Jehovah Witness on his rounds - what were the chances of meeting an Australian Jehovah Witness on a remote island in Greece?!

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