wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Which end is up?

Again a third attempt to post. This app keeps not allowing me to post to the correct date. Ugh!
They get less funnier with each time.

We sang at another farmers market today. It was fun. It was also about 80 degrees. Three hours standing and singing netted me only 4ooo steps on my fitbit. The stamina it takes to do that is a trade off. I am not losing sleep over this one.
We have posted a recording of my band singing a song by Ryan Adams "Two"
For those of you who have not heard my band before.

My brother came today and heard our band for the first time. I was so happy. My sister in law Joanne and my nieces Kelsey and Ava were also there. Ava plays a mean rattle and keeps much better time time than I do.

Guess what else we saw?? If you guessed kiltage, you were right! It was a very tall woman in full regalia. A lot of wool for such a hot day. She later played the bagpipes. I love the bagpipes. They can make me want to dance, laugh, or cry. She was great. On a brighter note, I had no interest to ask what was under that kilt. I may be cured after all.

There were Russian tea cookies there. I LOVE them. Ingrid and I tried to split one when it blew up in my hands. It was as if someone I know reached across the miles and shmooshed it in my hands. Sure glad I didn't buy a back up cookie. :). I have really been good on my diet and exercise thing but, a girl has to satisfy the itch every now and then.

So I am exhausted and have to get a few hundred more steps in to get to my goal today. Although there is something to be said for standing and singing in 80 degree heat for 3 hours. I am not worrying about today.

So thanks to Ingrid for the pseudo selfie (have no idea what that means but I think anytime you use the word pseudo it makes you sound cool).

Good night to the north and G'day to down under.

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