Elford Hall Gardens

It was a glorious morning. I even had a Red Admiral in the garden.

I needed petrol (and peanuts for the jay who has returned to feed from my bird table) so I headed off to the farm shop - and couldn't resist continuing along the pretty lanes to Fisherwick and Elford.

There were a few butterflies around - two brimstones and two speckled woods buzzed me but their butterfly brains were fixed on other pursuits.

Damselflies and dragonflies were in abundance - as were midges and little flying things because it had been so wet yesterday. The flowers are gorgeous and this is certainly a haven to return to over the coming weeks.

I put a donation in the box and one of the volunteers thanked me, saying that they really love seeing other people enjoying the fruits of their labours. But it was his other comment that really struck a chord.

"This place is how we would like the world to be"......... yes please......

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