
By MamaOfBoys

Tears for school

We had an awful morning with mar. Mondays aren't his good days but today was worse than has been in a long time.

He started getting really upset when getting dressed and it didn't stop.

By the time we took Kanye to the taxi he was in tears and beside him self.

We started off for school but Marley was so distraught he kept trying to stop me walking, stop the pram from moving with his scooter. I ended up calling school and speaking with his teacher saying we are coming in but he was upset, she could hear him crying and said she'll be ready for him.

I managed to calm him by distracting him talking about trucks and cranes.

When I got there he started again but his teacher helped him into class. He was ok until i said i was leaving he clung to me and cried so I just had to say goodbye, put him down, hand him to his teacher and leave. It was really hard, my heart ached for him. I remember the feeling of when my mum used to leave me at school when I was little. I hated school too and was clingy. Knowing how he was feeling made it even worse.

I thought about him all day, I went over and over in my head what had happened to set him off, why he was so upset, I couldn't figure out why.

When I went to get him i hugged him so tightly and said i missed him . His teacher came out and said he'd had a great day, he was really chatty, she said once the bell rang he was fine.

On the way home he talked with me, I said I had been worried about him , he was worried that his grandma was worried and he had made her cry. He was an absolute delight, happy, helpful, loving and chatty for the rest of the afternoon/evening.

I was totally confused with what had happened today. But I'm glad he's feeling better.

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