at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

cool cat

Isn't she cool in her shades (ignore the rivers of snot). She finally realised she could open her eyes with them on and see afterall.

I have the most disgusting headache today, I think it's a sinus headache- so Ivy and I didn't do anything exciting- apart from briefly leave the house to go visit the garden to see if there were radishes for dinner. Instead you can have a series of Ivy-dotes from today:

*She wanted to play piano, so knelt underneath it and bounced up on down on her knees playing invisible piano with her hands to tell me so.

*When the postie opened and shut the door to put a parcel in, Ivy went sprinting off towards the door shouting 'DABA!' (she currently gets Ds and Bs confussed) and then when noone was there- she went to look in the kitchen and then started to head upstairs.

*When Euan left at lunch time- she stared at the door for ages, I think she thought he was playing peek-a-boo

*I had her sitting on my knee and was bobbing my head from side to side before giving her a kiss on a cheek. She did it back to me.

*She's beginning to understand the word 'no' but is testing to work out what exactly makes us say it. She was trying to pull a bag of shopping off a chair when I said 'no' so she stopped. But she was then patting the bag and turnign round to look at me to find out exactly what she wasn't supposed to do.

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