
After being in an intensive policy session for 2 days (and a late night last night) I decided to take some TOIL and go home instead of back to the office this afternoon.

I thought I would do a bit of testing and sort of did a mini triathlon. I cycled to Portobello, swam 40 lengths, ran on the beach, then cycled home. The swimming seemed to really help my foot and by the end of the swim, my arch wasn't hurting at all. Brilliant.

I have a beach race on Friday night after work and thought it'd be sensible to try and see how my feet cope with the unstable ground. I didn't do much, but it seemed to go well, most importantly my ankle seems stable and it didn't cause any arch pain. I couldn't decide whether to go ahead with the race or not, but I think after today I'll give it a go. I'll just take things easy and see how I get on!

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