Clark Tales

By cclark

Colour Me Rad

Early, early start. However today I ticked something off the bucket list. Me and the Gillespie's (well Jose Mclaren, I guess...will never get used to that) did it together. Was the best fun run ever, well my only one.

Looked like a nightmare to get out the car park; but then I was super eager to get back to LB at the Malmaison, room 257 felt like home.

Got back to a bath and my favourite Molton Brown, Re-charge Black Pepper! She's a super girl! LB waa super happy with her shopping purchases too. So the champagne was popped and room service ordered.

We made it to dinner later where I had the most awesome strip steak! Then we shared the cheese platter. Best Sunday ever! Can I hit pause?

C x

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