
By MamaOfBoys

Kanye my handsome

Has the chicken pox.

He's been so grumpy the last few days and this week is the week that if he were to catch them he would and he did. Still waiting for Harper to get them.

This pic is a recent one of him in the last few days but not today's one, he'd just eaten breakfast in this one.

He came home today and when i change him i saw a few spots on his back, two looked like blisters so i called the nurse as mars were red with white in the middle, she said it sounds like chicken pox and the blisters are the earliest appearance of pox.

I went to the supermarket tonight with Marley and got Kanye some juice and coconut water to make him a smoothie tomorrow, he loves smoothies and i want to make sure he gets nutrients still, he's gone off his food and tonight as we were about to sit down to dinner he came for a cuddle, his head and neck were hot, 37.6 so not too bad but for him any rise in temperature from fever can cause seizures. So we got his pjs on and gave him his epilepsy meds and some nurofen and put him to bed.

He looked exhausted poor baby. Its so hard with him because he cant say how hes feeling so it just comes out as grumpy shouts and tears.

Unfortunately these things seem to fall on days when i'm about to be really busy, i had planned to go do a lot of errands I've been putting off because of the rain but i might only do a few tomorrow and leave the rest for another day. I did just buy him some tickets to the wiggles who are going to be here in July and they have a new dvd out next week that i have pre ordered for him.

Tuesday and Wednesday this week were just normal regular days, mar has been good going to school and at school, My mum had her surgery Tuesday so I've been a bit busier as i haven't had her here to help with the kids and the house but she did come today and she's on the mend.

So i will see how he is tomorrow i might make a bed in the lounge for him if he's not 100% then he can sleep when he wants to and be around us still.

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