
By Mikey88


For the first time in quite a few months, I managed to get myself out of bed early enough to catch the sunrise. I left the house at about five o'clock and was on the Moor by half past five. This was still not early enough to be somewhere suitable to catch the colour in the sky, but I did get there before the sun had come up over the horizon.

The weather forecast had predicted mist, but said it wouldn't last very long after the sun came up and they were pretty accurate. Up towards the head of the Tamar Valley, off in the distance, was what looked like a lake of mist. It covered much of the landscape and then seemed to overflow into the river valley itself and flow down towards Plymouth. You can just see that in my blip for today.

The walk itself was just magical - me, the skylarks, pipits and wheatears. Oh, and sheep. I didn't see another person, nor hear anything other than birdsong and once I'd left the car behind, most of the human influence on the landscape was about three thousand years old - although I could just see the china clay quarries jutting above the horizon in the direction of Plymouth.

I got some pleasing landscape shots, and some really nice shots of wheatears, pipits and a skylark gathering food for its young. And now the World Cup is about to begin, so I'm off! Hope it's a good one.

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