Sterkfontein Caves

The Gr7's visited the Sterkfontein Caves and Maropeng, The Cradle of Humankind today and Ronnie, Charmaine and Angela, their History Teacher, accompanied them!

Ronnie took loads of awesome photos, but I decided to refer you to the links with absolutely perfect pictures and rather blip this Gr7 student, getting ready to crawl into the deep soul of the earth in the Sterkfontein Caves. I thought it was fantastic how he is 'drawn' into the light, he almost seems transparent! Luvvv this pic! ;-)

Update on JURIE'S condition: He is still in ICU and it seems like a sure thing now that he will have Quintuple (5 arteries) Bypass Surgery Monday! Please do keep the prayers alive for this dear family!

'One Year Ago' - Monstrosity?

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