
By JimBob79

Sizzle England Sizzle

What a day. An enjoyable one but I had a slightly more relaxed strategy in mind a few days ago in preparation for England's opening fixture at 23.00 tonight. First of all a 3 mile run to the start line of a pleasant 5k race in a leafy park. A nice result ensured with coming 4th out of 84 in my first ever 'park run'. The run home was slightly tougher afterwards that's for sure. Then a little spring cleaning and off to help a dear friend paint their new house. Enjoy painting, very therapeutic plus I got to show off some quality gloves. It was a joy to see a 7yr old take so much interest in a nitrile disposable glove... a future career choice? Then a dash back to do a BBQ for the family and sizzle some sausages & burgers. Can I just say whoever invented Burger Sauce deserves three cheers. Then an even quicker dash to hear an excellent speaker at Church. After all of that it's time to put matchsticks in my eyes and get thoroughly anxious over the next three hours. I've promised myself I won't cry this year when we get knocked out...

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