
By Chaos

Gone Fishing

I know, I am behind in my Blip posting, reviewing and commenting. Well, blame it on the fish.

The Kenai River is in south central Alaska, flows from the Kenai Lake to the Cook Inlet. We have visitors this week and spent the day on the Kenai, about 120 miles from Anchorage by road.
(More here.)

When the salmon are running, a visit to the Kenai River is called fishing. In between salmon runs, a visit to the Kenai River is called floating.

Alaskans, and there visitors, float the Kenai on three types of boats. The one above is a drift boat. We took an inflatable raftt, a big oval thing. There are also pontoon rafts, the ones with the banana shaped floats on each side.

The Kenai River is the largest on the Kenai Peninsula and boasts the world record King Salmon catch, close to 100 pounds, about 40 kg. Silver, Red, and Pink Salmon are also caught, Rainbow Trout, and Dolly Varden are there too.

We did catch some fish, even though an active run of salmon was not there at this time. I have some pictures to prove it! (On another camera, hmmm.) Afterwards we ate at an old roadhouse and lodge, Gwin's Lodge near Copper Landing. (More Here.)

Kenai River near Jim's Landing, Alaska (google maps)

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