madwill's world

By madwill

Am I Bovvered?

When I let the dogs out this morning there was a lot of pigeon flapping going on the hedgerow at the back of the garden. Three pigeons all giving it some.

I grabbed my camera at which point one flew off leaving these two. The one on the left was really flapping and the one on the right seemed totally unimpressed.

A few seconds later they were staring each other out and just dipping at the necks.

Not sure exactly what it was all about - a fight over a female, protecting the nest or just territory fights. Don't think it was courtship as there was no bowing and tail fanning going on. Or could it have been a youngster (on the left) being teased away from home?

Not the sharpest shots in the world as the camera was handheld at full 300mm extension and 30th and 60th second exposure!

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