My Life With Luna

By chrisA


... belongs to a neighbour but spends more time in my garden than at home! In this photograph he is waiting patiently by a wild patch I have in the garden but never seems to catch anything thank goodness, otherwise he wouldn't be welcome. He wont let me get close to him although he's been visiting for about five years now, but in a way he is company when I am in the garden. He has a blood brother who is short haired and black and white, his name is Felix and he looks just like the Felix cat food advert. He is very nervous and wont venture into the garden if I am around.
A really frustrating day as I had the chance to go the village where my brother lives and view the open gardens, but I declined in order to catch up with grass cutting and yes, my mower has broken, it starts but doesn't run and I'm not mechanically minded to work out what is wrong with it. So will have to make some phone calls tomorrow and hope I can get it fixed before the grass turns into a hay meadow!

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