Meeting of Minds?

This is ME and Sharna. Sharna speaks Tibetan and of course you all kno I am Irish but in spite of the lovely J’s concerns we got along fine.
OH…Forgot. Walking with the “B” team today and in spite of the dire predictions of the Sheep (wether) everything went fine…errr…well almost fine…errr…well it actually rained but that was after lunch (theirs) AND that’s another thing that wasn’t fine ‘Cos the Lovely J was feeding Sharna Schmackos for lunch and stupidly asked The Boss if I could have some.
YES YES YES I said….BUT The Boss tru to form activated The K9 Veto (some thing he learned from the UN (United Negativity) and the offer was withdrawn.
I would strongly comment about this but having mentioned before about us Wheatens and morality perchance I better not. They smelt delicious and you can bet that I will be consulting my Canadian legal advisor about this as soon as she finds this Blip.
Oh…Ah…Forgot where I was…
Oh Yes, Sharna is a Tibetan Terrior and as you have probably also noticed is curlless but does look kinda cute. DON’T Panic she’s a girl too. I just hope The Lovely J comes on other walks and next time forgets to ask The Boss anything except boring stuff…about the sheep (wether) Bah!
AND another thing. Someone should tell The Bossess that they were in the Coffee place at 1235 hrs on my dPhone clock ‘Cos there was an early lunch, ‘Cos the raindrops were threatening to do their thing and they didn’t want wet sandies.
I would never have complained about wet Schmackos.

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