Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Cleish Hill, Lepra Edinburgh to St Andrews Ride

The annual Lepra Edinburgh to St. Andrews Ride started off rather damp. Not as damp as some previous year, but damp none the same. I bought my t-shirt and put my luggage on the luggage van. I cycle the route with 5 friends. As we headed out of Edinburgh, it warmed up quite significantly.

The blip shows cyclists descending Cleish Hill.

There is a series of climbs up to Cleish Hill, from sea level to 282m above sea level. The first bit climbs slowly. There is a short spell on a busy road, but not too bad. Stay in line. Several km later, and at Crossford you are 45m ASL.

From Crossford there are two sections that climb quite steeply. The roads are quiet. All you can hear are heavy breathing, rustling of jackets being packed away and the silent hum, hum, hum as you pedal upward. Overtake. Top of the road, turn right, then left. Traffic lights this year. Lucky. Just as I get there, they turn green. 111m ASL.

Overtake. Short flat. Left turn. Steep, steep, steep. Overtake. It rolls flat then descends. At Craigluscar turn right. There is a short climb followed by a fast section of road. 153m ASL.

You can catch your breath, and weary muscles are rested. The road is still climbing on the road that takes you past the dump. Fortunately you escape this bit quickly as there is a short descent on the A823. Then you turn right.

The first part of the B915 is flat. This is the start. There is a sign to the bus museum, follow it. A deceptive downhill, you follow a stream. Turn left a sharp climb. Overtake. Its getting hard. Are we there yet? No. Another descent, follow the same stream, then climb. Climb 166m to 204m ASL in 600m. Overtake.

Don't take the wrong turn. Ignore the sharp left. The next one is signposted. another 20m climb. This is easy. Overtake. 221m ASL.

There follows flat bit and a descent to the ice cream van. Guy overtakes me. I don't chase. I know what's coming. I don't stop for ice-cream. Midges. 216m ASL.

The final climb starts. I'm still behind the guy that overtook me on the flat bit. I wait. On the bend I accelerate, overtake. 255m ASL.

Its steep now, I pull away up the straight to the right turn. Steeper, then the road levels. 282m ASL.

There is a flat bit, a descent and a further small climb. This one is easier. there's no more up. Only down.

Enjoy the descent.
You have earned it.
Hunker down, feel the acceleration. Dive, dive, dive.
The wind on your face blows the sweat away.
Your heartbeat starts to race.
It seems steep.
Stick left on the first bend, anticipate cars travelling up the hill.
A long stretch now to the hairpin curve.
Accelerating again.
Out of the saddle, let the knees take the bumps in the road.
Heart beating faster now as the hairpin approaches.
Much faster than you think.
Nothing coming up the hill? Take the apex line.
Lean in and avoid the centre gravel.
Another long stretch, again quite steep and a little twisty.
Accelerate as the hill disappears down in to what?
Heart beating faster.
Brake on the straight before you hit the corner, there's gravel.
Nervously left then right you swing.
Tractor in the road, stick hard left.
Mind the men working on the road side ditches.
Grass and gravel, feather the brakes.
Still quite fast.
Right, then hard left. The bottom is a tree lined tunnel.
Dark. Bumpy, gravelly and wet.
Everyone slows to a crawl.
What's around the corner.
Then it ends.
You burst in to light.
Don't pull out, this is a road junction.
Wait for the car.
Then go.
120m ASL

Head to Kinross for lunch.

Enjoy lying on the grass.

Where next? Freuchie.


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