Painting in the sunshine

It's been a long day..

I woke up early in the morning for a physio appointment I had at 8.30am. As I was walking with crutches and I had to take two buses to get there, I had to leave my flat one hour earlier. I'm not an early bird, so that was a bit too early for me. After that I went to work, which started with a training session about Tax Free. The rest of the day was not too busy and it felt long..

At the physio, they told me that it will take roughly six weeks for my injury to heal properly. In the meantime I have to walk slowly, be careful and do my physio stretches every day. No jumping, runing or dancing (so no dancing on the tables for me on my birthday party! Haha!) Jokes aside, it is extremely difficult for me to walk slowly because I'm a very fast walker. It has been driving me a bit crazy today because I'm not used to it but I'll have to, I guess... Grrrr! I need patience... this man working on his painting!

Apart from that, it's been a generally nice and warm day. Off tomorrow! Yes!!! :)

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and birthday wishes on my self portrait blip yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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