at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

'you might want to light a match...'

For the record- we're not potty training Ivy just now- I think 8 months is far too early, we'll officially start when she seems ready, I suspect somewhere between 2 and 3. Right now we're just having "positive toilet experiences" which is a great photo opportunity :D

Went to see Becky and Edith this morning, I'd made Edith a hair band, since I've had the pattern saved in my favourite since I was pregnant and Ivy still doesn't have enough hair. Edith looked very cute with her head band. She was showing off her impressive range of vocalisations and Ivy (having rearranged some rocks in Becky's kitchen) had a proper babbling conversation with her.

In the afternoon Ivy went round to play at Katy's house- since I as away yesterday and Seb is coming round to play tomorrow I had some living room tidying to do. Ivy wasn't too happy whilst I was away it seems- hopefully parent attachment will just be a phase. (I don't say Mummy attachment cos she's a huge daddy fan too)

This evening, she as standing up and pushing a rolling cart along- and she then decided to try running and went on a proper rampage. It was hilarious!

Granny Grant is coming to visit tomorrow- we're excited. Ivy now has bucketfulls of personality. She was singing this morning (vaguly tunefully...). We've seen alot of Granny Grant this year- it's becuase she's so well behaved when she's hear she keeps being invited back ;) (altough I couldn't say if she was awful since she reads this blog). She's been very supportive of me as a mummy. Actually, almost everyone has. I can only think of two examples of people who have made me feel bad about myself as a mum: someone who thought it was okay to say 'oh you still look pregnant' instead of hello and a nurse in the children's ward who suggested I should give up breastfeeding 'for Ivy's own good'. On the whole, I've had a very easy ride of it so far.

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