House Sport Day

Tomorrow is House Sport Day at R snr's school.

Almost all the children, about 800 of them, in his school must take part! There are 3 Houses, competing against each other, in order to identify those with talent to be drilled for the Inter School competitions later this term, where schools from the area compete and ultimately the Provincial teams are selected to compete on National level round about end of February.

His House is called the Springboks and the other two are named after two other kinds of Boks! The T-shirts for his Springboks are green and therefore he has to have a green shirt as well!

This one was purchased this afternoon and I had to embroider his House Name on it for him! I wish it could look a wee bit better, but this is it now, no way of improving on it at this stage!! :-(

Good night all!! I'm off to bed now!! Quite exhausted!! Hehehe!! Will catch up on commenting soon, promise!! ;-)

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