Of Little Consequence

By Alkal23

Sweet Dreams

Another full on day, sewing, sewing, sewing. I'm sure I'll get to grips with the bloody tension on this new machine, I've never known anything like it. Deep breaths.

I left a message for Isabel early this morning, asking her if she'd mind coming over to Barnet today while I met Paula. Paula is a lovely Brazilian lady who will stay here with the dogs while we are in Kefalonia jn September.

Isabel came over around noon and we drove to Finchley in search of thread from the Curtain Factory Outlet ( horrible place). Drove past a shop called 'The Sweatshop', thought it looked familiar, then remembered seeing it on here ( Rickyshitpants I think).
Nipped into M&S on the way back, Isabel had conveniently left her purse back at the house, she did very well out of me treat wise.

Asked Isabel to make me some coupons for Sundays fair, she said she'd do it in the living room. I took a cup of tea into her after ten minutes, this is what I found. She still looks like she did when she was small when she sleeps.

A really lovely day.

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