
Thank you for all of your good luck wishes! They worked!

What a day it has been!

I was supposed to defend my thesis at 12.45, so I had planned a relaxing morning, walking dogs, reading my book, having a cup of coffee. Lots of calming activites, so I would not get nervous and stressed about the exam.

I woke relatively early, let the dogs out for a wee and the sat with my 'Game of the Thrones' book for a while. At 8.30 I decided to check blip, so I looked at my phone (blip app) and found lots of missed calls, texts and emails! It turned out that my exam had been moved forward to 11 am, but they had forgotten to tell me! My tutor hadn't realised until midnight last night, that the time had not been changed on the students' network! Everyone else knew, but no one told me!

So instead of a calm and relaxing morning, I suddenly had to hurry up and get ready! At least I did not have time to get nervous.

I arrived an hour early, walked dogs and had time to go through my presentation. And then it was time... It went well - I was challenged by their questions, but not in trouble. I got a great mark and a lot of praise for my thesis. I was very very happy, when it was all over.

I went to work and brought Strawberry cake for everyone. The staff had made a student's cap for me. It was not pretty, but they still made me wear it :-D

After having celebrated at work, I met with my friend Helle.

Helle's red Border Collie Cookie had his 9th Birthday yesterday, so we celebrated his Birthday with doggie cake (made from cake, meatballs etc.) and my exam.

I got a fabulous new training bag for all my training gear as a present from Helle and Cookie got a new ball and some treats from the boys and I.

We then went out for a late lunch and a lovely walk.

A super day despite the hectic start!

Top left: Helle with all of our dogs on our walk.
Top right: Out for lunch.
Bottom left: At work wearing the student's cap that the staff made for me. I promised them to blip it :-)
Bottom middle: Cookie with his presents.
Bottom right: I put poor Biscuit into the new training bag. He took it well. Awwww poor sheltie :-D

See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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