at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Best fed

Me and Ivy love breastfeeding, and we do it about 7 times a day so it makes no sense for it not to feature in a blip. This is when she fell asleep nursing in the afternoon after swimming, something she very rarely does. She slept for about half an hour until she half opened an eye, spotted me eating lentil crisps over her head and sat upright instantly to grab one. She was so unawake at that point- she wasn't quite in control of herself and was a bit shakey.

She did very well at the theatre last night, though she didn't exactly sit on my knee like a little angel- she bounced about and tried to climb over me to the people behind or in front. I recon she'd have climbed right through the audience given half a chance. She sat through the entire show, I only had to take her out at the end when the community chior were singing and Ivy tried to sing along. (we're still working on pitch, but the enthusiasm is certainly there) Taking her out, I discovered her face and both of our t-shirts were covered in blood. The health visitor was standing in the foyer and I thought I should probably acknowledge that my baby was covered in blood- she thought it was probably from Ivy's nose.

Ivy slept the night in our bed again- I do like having her there. Altough she did wake up at 5.30 and start bouncing about- at 6am she got sent down to play with Granny Grant.

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