Poppy watch 5

Back to the roundabout on the South Lichfield by-pass.

I parked in the nursery car park - safer as it's a busy road, and far more relaxing, knowing that I could concentrate on the photos.

The most spectacular poppies are still those by the side of the A5, but photographs are tricky as there is poppy-coloured tape and lots of roadworks (the reason for the poppies?) plus traffic.. The display in Fradley, near to the go-karting place, is similarly huge and impressive, but I haven't found anywhere safe to park there, with the juggernauts thundering past.

After my little session communing with these vivid blooms, I headed up to Christian Fields to see how the butterflies are coming along.

They've done a lot to that reserve, including putting up a huge sign which appear to have deterred some of the dodgy blokes who used to pull up in the car park.

They'd brutally cut it back last year (LizM and I agreed it was very harsh) but it seems to have done the trick. The wildflowers are stunning - and it is attracting nice people and dogs this year - but not many. It's still peaceful.

Too lively Ringlets. A huge Small Tortoiseshell. Scrapping Meadow Browns. Plenty of damselflies by the pond. A serene Speckled Wood......... but the best were the bunnies who didn't really rush away.

Staffordshire blippers - this is worth a return.

Enjoy your sunshine

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