
By pattons6

Choo choo

Well, I have done a very good job of keeping daddy off the golf course today. We were up early at 6am, for showers, breakfast and getting dressed. After everyone else left for work or school daddy and I took a walk down to Molly's cake cafe.

I had milk and some of daddy's chocolate cake. He had a spring onion scone which was lovely. I had a fantastic time waving to all the passing cars. Two fire engines full of fireman also waved back at me!

We then headed to the park. It was brilliant! In my picture I am driving the train. I had so much fun that daddy had to drag me away from the park for my afternoon nap. Which I really needed. It's such hard work taking care of daddy.

For tea I had fish fingers, beans and potatoes. I loved the beans and fish fingers, the potatoes not so much. I finished it all though.

So now it's bed time. I am Shouting for Halle and stuffy which means I am ready for bed. Mummy managed to sneak 3 teddies out my bed to make room for me. So I'm off to dance with the fairies.

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