Reduce, reuse, recycle

The first grade put on a show in the theatre this afternoon. The children have been having drama lessons every friday at school with a new teacher and for the first time the students had a lot of input in writing and contributing to this performance.

Olivia played the role of a meerkat and was hilarious in places (although not intentional!). The play was about different environments - the desert, rainforest, ocean and city and how the pollution affected animals and what they could do to change it. It was simple without elaborate costumes or scenes but the students managed to put out a very strong message about the world we live in. It also looked like they all had such good fun all working together and the bows and courtesys at the end went on for some time!

After the performance it was then time to head to the airport for our evening flight to Manchester. We gave ourselves ample time but there were roadworks on the way and for one awful hour we truly thought that we weren't going to make it to the airport on time. We made it with approximately 20 minutes to spare after having parked the car in the overnight parking and then legging it like loons through the airport. I really don't need that kind of stress at the moment! When we arrived in Manchester it was lovely to be met by my parents and brother who then drove us to our hotel in Liverpool ready for the big day tomorrow!

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