Gemma and Andrew's Wedding

We seem to have been waiting for this day for ages. It was worth the wait.


*Staying in a family room in the hotel next door to my brother - Olivia was beside herself with excitement to see her cousins!
*Seeing Olivia and A greet each other.
*Listening to A sing a song to Olivia in French (apparently she has been practising for some time).
*Seeing Olivia and my two nieces in their flower girl dresses - they all looked so pretty.
*A lovely service in a packed church with really well behaved and fun children.
*Granddad finding a worm for Dexter and Dex being grumpy with Mummy for not bringing his bug pot to the wedding so that he could take the worm back on the bus to the hotel!
*Grandma's bag of goodies for the children - colouring books, toys and tasty treats.
* A lovely relaxed meal and sitting on a table with all my closest family.
* AMAZING guy who sang throughout the wedding breakfast. He really did have the most incredible voice and had a great face!
* A lovely slide show which featured a picture of me holding the bride when she was a baby (I was ten years old).
* The sweetie cart.
* The fun photo booth - we had a family pic taken wearing cowboys hats, over sized glasses etc.
* The casino games.
* Dancing at the disco with the kids.
* Olivia and me eating the icing off the wedding cake.
* Catching up with family that I haven't seen for years.

The real highlight though was being able to spend the entire day with all my family in one place. A really lovely memorable day.

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