Have you had your 5 a day?

I went to work on the bus today and the bus stop is outside out local fruit and veg shop. Their displays always look very nice and their produce is very fresh, so while waiting for the bus I took a couple of photos. The guy saw me, and came out and said 'good morning' - I think he was wondering what I was doing taking photos, so I just explained that I enjoy photography, and that his display is very colourful. He then asked me to come inside the shop and look at this display that he'd done. I love all the wicker baskets filled with the different produce, so I took some shots inside, whilst one of his friends stood outside and watched for the bus for me. I showed them the images on my camera, and they commented that they'd be nice for the shop, so I offered to email them to them.

At lunch time I met Marilyn at our usual meeting place and had a nice chicken salad, and a good catch up after my holiday. Then tonight I went to try out a new Zumba class with my friend Alison. It's taken me a year to find a class that matches up to the ones I went to in Belgium, but finally I've found one. It was brilliant, and we both felt that we'd had a great work out.

Anyway, it's late, I need to go and get a shower and get ready for work tomorrow, but at least it's Friday, and there will only be three of us in the office - none of the bosses are around, and it's also dress down day for charity, so it should be a good day :-)

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