Beautiful bundle

2 trains, 3 taxis and 2 buses today. And a day of meetings in Nottingham interspersed with some friends catch-up.

Most importantly I met my friend'a gorgeous two week old daughter (pictured having my first cuddle). My first reaction was to burst into tears. Just seeing my friend as a mother with this gorgeous little bundle nuzzling her was too much!!! Her and her fella are coping so well with those brutal first weeks of sleep deprivation with some quite frankly brilliant teamwork too.

Had a Superfood Salad and a glass of Chianti at Jamie's and a semi-work catch up with my friend H before hot-footing it to the station for my train. Which was delayed. Waited another hour (did some work) then watched the film Jobs (about Steve Jobs and Apple) on the way home. Terrible film, even the heavenly Ashton Kutcher couldn't save it sadly but it made the journey go faster at least!

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