Car wash and Tai Chi

Dragged my heels taking Audrey to nursery this morning as I'd really missed her. In the end she was asking me to take her there! Typical! Drop was the best ever as she just went off to play as soon as we arrived.

Had a client training (personal development) event in a hotel in Knutsford to attend this afternoon. Was dreading it as knew it would mean a late getaway but I hate asking clients to leave early when my reasons are childcare. In the end, I was straight with them and they seemed pretty fine about it - so learnt a lesson there, just be honest!

The training was actually fascinating and I took quite a bit from it personally. Loads of psychology stuff and tips and tools to get the best from yourself and other people. I left just as they were embarking on a Tai Chi session but I heard that half the room had been put to sleep later on. Crazy!

Home via the car wash (see pic) and in time to have a sit down family meal of smoked pancetta & penne and a well deserved glass of wine. So rare we sit as a family to eat with Angus's hours but when we do I can see that Audrey loves it!

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