wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

I'll just put the orange thingys over here.

The chipmunk except for one species (I just read) is only found in North America. Funny how we take certain animals for granted. This one seems to be happiest in the bird feeder.
The chickadees that I have living in a birdhouse shaped like an eggplant, keep sounding the distress call even though there are two other feeders near it. Looks like chickadees like eggplant. Who knew?

Anyway..... It appears as it takes a lot of things to hang a. freaking fire extinguisher. ( that word took 3 times to spell until the iPad even offered a suggestion) Donal told me this at breakfast this morning. He kept putting the napkin up to his face and couldn't quite look me in the eye. People, I am not sure but, I think he may be lying.
Men are SO possessive of their tools.
Tomorrow night my band is performing at a summer in the park series in my home town. I can not wait. I ran into a neighbor who said he was bringing a whole mess of people. Alrighty then. That won't make me nervous.! (Now who is lying? )

I have to start removing the weeds and vines near the foundation of the house this week before they paint. That is going to be a wicked hard time. I think I may throw a pizza party and invite friends. I am so afraid that there are snakes hidden in the vast undergrowth of jungle front next to the porch. I hate snakes. I have been known to scream hysterically and wet my pants. I am so serious. ( now that is a wicked funny story I will tell sometime ).
So sometime this week, if you are woken by a shrill sound that pierces your eardrum and shatters a window or two.... Yup I have found one.
'Till tomorrow!

Oh and seriously I should just leave the auto corrected words in this. So much funnier. It's like Mad Libs on crack.

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