
By Munroist4113

The veg garden

We've had a busy day, what with a 30 mile drive to the dentist to have a filling replaced (done for by French bread, not Toblerone this time), followed by a last-minute shop for water steriliser tablets, and geranium oil (for the anti-jet-lag kit). We then collected Ella from nursery and had our last play with her and Baby for a month. (Squish, squish, sad).

Home to discard half the pile of packing as only 15k allowed - though we have tomorrow for packing, Mr C will be going to see his mum for the day and we are going out to a friend's for supper so we though it best to make a start.

Mr C also found time for some gardening - we'll be missing cropping this year but we've told the neighbours to help themselves.

I'm unlikely to get much blipping when away, as wifi is expensive where it exists. Shame as I'm hoping for some wonderful pictures!

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