Mono Monday # 18 ........ Reflections

......... an unusual "reflection" .....

This is actually the heads-up display in the Chevy Camaro that I am driving - the info is projected onto the lower part of the windscreen (windshield) in blue and reflects back - it looks exceptionally good in the dark - how cool is that!! I'm so thrilled with it - like a new toy!!!

This is my journal entry for the MonoMonday Challenge hosted by Rainie - thanks for all your hard work on this.

Today has been another great hassle-free day finished off with a wonderful blipmeet with Daily Encounters (Ron and his wife, Kathy) - to see me, my Mum and Ron please take a peek here ....
We were treated royally - a lovely meal in one of their favourite restaurants, a ride through Eugene, a tour of their garden and beautiful home with homemade blueberry pie and cream - very yummy indeed. Many thanks to you both for a fabulous evening.

Tomorrow we are onward to Lincoln City, Oregon to a hotel with an "ocean view" ...... I wonder if it will be a full-on view or one of those where you have to stand on a chair and peer around a corner??? Lol.

Stay tuned for the next instalment ........

~ Anni ~

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