Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

The Holiday begins

After a long and stressful journey, gaining entry into the USA makes you feel like a criminal, finger prints, photos, questions etc, but I suppose in the light of recent events they have to take all precautions against letting undesirables in to the country.

Anyway, we negotiated customs entry, found our way to baggage reclaim, to find that our suitcases had been taken off the belt and thrown to one side. Retrieved suitcases, eventually found the company rep and after an hour waiting we were put on a bus to Fort Lauderdale.

Check in at the hotel, speedy and efficient. Found our room, great views overlooking the waterway, quick shower then out for a meal. By now it was 9.30pm (USA) and we had been travelling since 5.30am (GMT)on the 3rd Jan so for us it was 2.30am (GMT) 4 Jan. We decided to eat in the restaurant next to the hotel, big mistake. 2 starters between 4 of us, 4 mains, 1 bottle wine, 3 beers - $311 which equates to about 200 pounds, we were all stunned. Back to the hotel and crash out.

Next day we took a taxi to a shopping mall, had breakfast, mooched about, bought one or two things, then taxi back to the hotel, coach to the ship. Boarded the ship, very efficient, found our stateroom, see pictures, and at 5.00pm we sailed.

Follow the links for the first set of pictures on my great adventure.

Fort Lauderdale

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