Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Grand Cayman

First full day at sea was and the sea was rough, I spent it in bed, motion sickness, always happens. Roy went and got me some tablets after taking two of them I was fine.

First port of call was Grand Cayman, as we couldn't dock in the harbour we had to be tendered from the ship, which took ages. We had decided not to do any of the organised tours from the ship, too expensive, so we hopped in a taxi and he took us to the town centre. All these caribbean islands are the same, jewellry and clothes shops, supposed to be tax free, but still way above our means. David did buy a cigar cutter for $4. Took some photos then took the taxi back to the ship. Getting back on was an even worse nightmare than getting off. We stood for at least an hour in the blazing sun waiting for the tenders to take people back to the ship.

Eventually arrived back on board, quick change, then up on deck for drinks and sunbathing.

Photos posted via the link.

Grand Cayman

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