Barber Shop Trio

I had difficulty in restraining His Lordship today from making a spectacle of himself by joining this Barber Shop Trio and turning it into a quartet as we passed this morning.
He fancied his lightness and fleetness of foot would be an asset and certainly his ability to see, an advantage.
I begged to differ as I have found his foot movement severely restricted if not absent at any dances or ceilidhs we have attended. As to his eyesight, well, least said the better probably.

Why am I feeling so annoyed with Andy Murray and yesterday's debacle with Dimitrov?
My annoyance is completely unjustified but I can't help wondering where his fighting spirit went. Having lost no sets in his first three games, suddenly he loses three in a row.
I know he is a good sportsman and has made no excuses for his off day, but one has to wonder if there was more to it than that.
I'm sure there will be no one more disappointed and dejected than him today as everything sinks in.

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