Balloon popped

Had our new house balloon popped again. Boy, it's exhausting!

We've been secret squirrel investigating buying a new build house off plan in Chorlton. As is pretty standard for us, we have literally been obsessing over it this past week most days and evenings. We've been to see other developments by the same developer, poured over the specifications and pretty much decorated every room (in our heads).

Angus was more keen that me originally as I have always been concerned that I am more of an old house fan. I had some doubts about it but had managed to excite myself about the prospect of something new and the big garden/kitchen/diner was the stuff of dreams - especially for life with a toddler.

After Angus dropped Audrey at nursery this morning, he visited the building site and managed to blag his way onto it. He stood in the plot that would have been ours and was able to really visualise it.

Instead of coming back excited, he was crestfallen and admitted as much as he loved the development, he thought the size of the house (for the money) was too small and narrow. I actually felt a little bit relieved. Which tells me everything.

Truth is, I love our existing house/life and am scared of making the wrong move. Before we move next, I need to know we are moving for something really worthwhile. This place will take a lot of beating.

We are emotionally drained from this new house search malarkey so we have decided to take some time off from looking. In the meantime, we're going to titivate our existing house - including redecorating our kitchen to create some more space.

Sorry for the boring house diatribe but it has pretty much been our life this week!!!

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